The Workshop was attended by faculty members, doctoral scholars and post-graduate students, from a wide range of disciplines: Philosophy, Islamic Studies, Psychology, History, Law, English, Education, Mass Communication, Unani Medicine, Western Medicine, Physics etc, from many important academic institutions in India.
As the Report says, the Workshop presented and discussed a critique and plan of rectification of contemporary Learning, particularly Modern Science, that would ensure both the carrying- ahead of the science-driven high standard of life, as well as, the solution of the multifarious crises of environment, civilization and Meaning, arising from Post-Renaissance Modernity, underpinned mainly by Modern Science.
Director (Retired), Iqbal Academy, Lahore, Pakistan Read everything and marvel the clarity and precision that reflects your intellectual efforts and dedication. I fully agree with the conclusions and the future program…I would be a willing participant in it….
Director (Retired), Iqbal Academy, Lahore, Pakistan
Read everything and marvel the clarity and precision that reflects your intellectual efforts and dedication. I fully agree with the conclusions and the future program…I would be a willing participant in it….
Jesuit Priest, Professor of Business Ethics, School of Management, Jamshedpur, India.
The FIKA resolution is a commendable effort that thoughtfully addresses the integration of modern reductionist learning into a more holistic framework of integral learning. The resolution’s emphasis on moving beyond the confines of positivism to embrace a perspective that acknowledges the interplay between sensory and transcendent knowledge is particularly insightful…
The FIKA Resolutions provide the Fundamental Corrections, needed in present-day Learning and Academics, that will remove their (Learning etc) defects, and stop the production of wrong understandings and wrong policies, which are causing current crises, like Global Warming, Family Breakdown, severing of connection to Transcendence, God and High Values.
The FIKA Resolutions provide corrections which not only free Learning, Academics and Policy Making, from producing errors and negativities, but, also to provide foundations that allow Learning etc) to start providing true and correct understandings of Reality and Worldview. and Healthy Policies and Institutions, for Civilization Engineering and the shaping of the Future.
The main focus of the Workshop was to provide the philosophy and principles for Learning, Academics and Policy Planning, that will allow them to give correct understandings of the Universe, and healthy policies for the Civilization. The Workshop also applied these Principles to a few Disciplines eg Medicine, Sociology, Literary Theory etc, to show how they produce corrections in various Disciplines.
Philosophy helps to (i) correctly define various Areas of Study of the Universe, and then (ii) match the existing Disciplines with their correctly defined areas, so that shortfalls may be identified and then (v) provides the methodology for correcting these shortfalls.
The main objective of the Workshop was to present the Principles, for correcting the serious and systemic errors of perspective, methodology and findings, of present day study and research, which have made them (ie academics) sources of false understandings of Universe, erroneous worldview and destructive civilizational policies.
Integral Reality means full and total Reality ie a vision, accepting all levels of Reality, kept in their right place, eg material, supra-material and their transcendental or divine roots, rather than, claiming entire Reality to be limited only to Matter.
Integral Learning means acceptance and use of all means of Knowledge ie Empirical, Rational, Intuitive and Revelational, all related correctly, rather than to claim empirical observation to be the only means of knowledge.
In the Contemporary Period, Indian Intellectuals like Sir Syed, Tagore etc, as well as the Government, tried to join, Modernity and its own Tradition, rather than to impose Modernity alone, and totally discard its own Tradition, as happened in most Eastern Countries.
For instance, India promoted both Molecule-based Modern Medicine (Sir RN Chopra) and Supra-Material Mizaj-based Unani Medicine (Hakim Ajmal Khan) and Supra-Material Mahabhuta-based Ayurveda (M Usman Reprt). Thus, India’s academics include, broadly, but rather vaguely, both the Material, even Microscopic level, and the Supra-Material level; which FIKA Follow-up does, in a systematic, fully spelled out and well-argued manner, by FIKA-F’s basic principle of, ‘All Inclusive Reality and Consciousness’. This is the special relevance of FIKA Follow-up to India and its Learning and Academics, and Culture.
The main objective of the Workshop was to present the Principles, for correcting the serious and systemic errors of perspective, methodology and findings, of present day study and research, which have made them (ie academics) sources of false understandings of Universe, erroneous worldview and destructive civilizational policies.
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